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Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Geek Out

I'll be the first to admit it, I'm a huge nerd. Especially a huge TEACHER nerd. I had fun this past spring writing tests for district curriculum guides. (Didn't hurt that I met a rad group of fellow teachers. Sad I can't meet up with them tomorrow!) I can spend hours perusing the education section of Pinterest. I love being in my classroom by myself. In fact, I'm going to go in tomorrow, not because I need to but because of the reason I just stated. It's calming. Expect when you spot a snake outside your classroom window:

The black racer that chose to make my bushes his new home...

So while some might think that spending 2 hours creating a student data notebook sounds COMPLETELY lame... well to me it was fun. And I'm proud of the final product. Not proud of enough to sell it on TeachersPayTeachers (seriously, when do those people have the time?!) but still pretty darn proud to brag about it.

On that note, off I go to watch something and just lay out on the couch.

What makes you nerdy? Do you embrace your inner nerd? :)

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE that you're a nerd! I am a nerd, too. It's OK :)

    XO Lourdes


Thanks for leaving me some love!